Peoww News
Three years has passed since the last numbered SoulCalibur made it’s debut on next-gen systems. Since then, many important fighting game franchises have returned to the fray, and Namco-Bandai are undoubtedly hoping to capitalise on renewed popular interest in the genre with newly announced SoulCalibur V.
Set seventeen years after the events of SCIV, in which some dude called Algol got twatted by Yoda (in what I consider to be the canon ending), Sophitia’s son Patroklos, along with older versions of the regular cast (GILF Ivy, anyone?) and potentially a few cameos from other, more bankable series, have to uncover, quote, “the enigma as to why the swords have become short swords”.
Intriguing story developments aside, the gameplay promises to be “lighter, sharper, and more elegant” (how that applies to a character like Astaroth, I can’t imagine), while “combos will be easier to perform, and the moves will be easier to pull out.” As a unrepentant noob when it comes to beat ’em ups, this is a change I can welcome. Now, if only they’d address my biggest gripe with IV – the fucking atrocious character design. Adam